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Group Distant Healing


We gather together, in circle

for the healing of ourselves,

the planet and the future.


Find support, balance and clarity during these challenging times. Change patterns and open energy blockages. Bring more harmony and vitality into your life.





Group Sessions




 in these sessions 

 I work with the energies 

 & issues present in the group 

 and on the planet & moons 


& November


new moon and full moon


New Moon (in Libra)

Wednesday 6th October 7pm

Full Moon (in Aries)

Wednesday 20th October 7pm



New Moon (in Scorpio)

Thursday 4th November 7pm

Full Moon (in Taurus)

Friday 19th November 7pm 


by donation

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 in these sessions I will work 

 in-depth on the healing 

 of particular issues related with  trauma, depression & anxiety 


TRAUMA series

for trauma,
depression & anxiety

Sundays 5pm (UK time)



Adrenal Reset & Kidney strength

Sunday 17th October 5pm

Release anxiety & sleep issues

Sunday 31st October 5pm



Calming the Vagus Nerve

Sunday 14th November 5pm

Balancing the Thyroid and endocrine system

Sunday 28th November 5pm


cost: £20 per session


*read about previous sessions

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After doing over 100 individual distant treatments

through the pandemic, I have been develloping a

new method for group healing

using a combination of

jikiden reiki and biofield tuning

adding my own touch, experience and intuition.


I work with an energetic hologram and create

an intuitive drawing of the group that gives me a vizualisation

of the areas to treat depending on what is present in the field.
















With nearly 20 years of experience in the healing arts,

my treatments are holistic and intuitive. I use also my deep connection with the land to ground people to the Earth to support inner balance and core connection.


I treat the whole being - body, mind and energetic field.

I bridge Japanese healing arts, energy medicine,

body work and somatic trauma healing.


I made this video to briefly show you

how I do the treatments



During the session


This is a remote session.


We are not online,

no technology is involved,

we meet energetically, you will feel it!


The session is 1 hour.


Prepare a peaceful space,

put some soft music,

and arrive 5-10 minutes earlier

for a strong group field.


 Lay down or sit confortably

close your eyes and tune in with yourself,

make yourself available to Receive the healing.


Make sure you stay hydrated,

have water near you.


Although the process is gentle,

the healing is very deep,

do Not drive during the session,

you might feel very sleepy.


Sometimes a treatment might take up to

24 / 48 hr to complete.


In some cases you might feel a detox effect, which may bring some discomfort for a couple of days, this is a natural part of the healing process.


Allow for extra rest after the treatment,

until the body adjusts and you start feeling the benefits and shifts.








I will use tuning forks in this treatment.

If you are currently pregnant, having cancer

or have a pacemaker, this particular session

is Not recommended.


If you have very complex or very specific conditions,

this session will still be benefitial

but individual sessions would be recommended.




Please register in advance below

All information is confidential

and will be treated with care


answer a few questions

to help me give the best treatment


(at least 2 days before the session)
I am experiencing
I am experiencing physical pain
Would you like to receive information about other sessions and treatments in the future?


Thank you for joining me in this session!


Once I received everyone's details

I will send an email with more information

about the treatment on the day of the session.





Donations & Payment


Moon sessions

free / by donation 


Trauma series treatments

cost: £20 per session


 Individual sessions are also available


please use the payPal button bellow

type in the amount & put your name / session as Reference



PayPal ButtonPayPal Button




"I felt very deeply immersed from the start. The energy was very very powerful and profound for me. There was a deep heat on my left side mainly. I felt you, here, very strongly. There was so much light and energy at work. It's very hard to put into words.

I'm very in transition right now and the healing circle really

helped bring some things into focus."

(Caroline, UK)



"The healing was excellent! At the beginning I could calm down easily and then I was very calm. After 20 minutes or so I felt more in my belly area and releasing happened there. Beautiful!!!"

(Christine, Switzerland)​


"The first thirty minutes were a deep dive into a quiet dream-like state. There were old stories of dragon presence that kept circulating in this state. The next thirty minutes passed in a state of somatic release (tremoring) and stretching. Then three minutes before the hour, all settled and I came back into consciousness. Boom. Thanks for your generous offerings!

I so appreciate your skill and practice."

(Sharon, Canada)



"Thank you so much for the healing. I have had some big shift. The last few days I have reconnected, grieved what was needed and have come through with clarity and deeper connection to myself."

(Sophie, UK)





find more about

my healing work





if you are part of a group that can benefit from distant healing

I can work with specific needs of a group


to discuss or questions



website design, photos, videos by Claudia Tomaz. 2006-2022

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