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THE SOUL JOURNEY, a film-meditation (1h33m), a journey of the soul. This is a new film and is not available online yet.

Please visit the film website for more info, read texts and photos from the journey, discover the musicians of this wonderful sound track and find my self-published book Travelling like clouds, the art of being present, for more in depth explorations of this nomadic journey and the deep transitions of a time of uncertainty, impermanence and change.

GIVE US SPACE is a feature documentary (67 min) about the complexity of the housing crisis in London. Filmed over 2013-2014, the film focuses on housing as a human need and Human Right, interviewing people and following empowering grass-roots movements, and housing struggles, while recognizing the vital importance of resistance; we followed issues around social housing and gentrification, squatting and housing co-operatives as essential indicators of alternatives and community building strategies.


LONDON GROUND, documentary, 46 min, London, 2009-10.

This is a new film version of the original project which consisted on a web series of 12 short experimental documentaries made in collaboration with underground independent artists (music, film, art, activism) in London in 2009 and 2010. Filmed mainly in squats, it features: Alice da Cunha (actress), Fabba-J (artist), Claudia Tomaz (artist, filmmaker), Kaidie (interdisciplinary artist) and VHS basement collective.

BALLAD OF TECHNOLOGICAL DEPENDENCY, documentary, 33 min, Philadelphia, USA, 2006
Computers, internet and cell phones introduced a completely new life style and changed human relationships. This is an intimate documentary exploring the relationship between persons and technology. The film is composed by 4 portrays of people who talk or improvise their stories. With Noemi Seagarra (choreographer, dancer), John Silver (art curator), Alexis Rosenzweig (student), Tom Schreiber (DJ, musician)

ONE LOVE experimental documentary/road movie, 43 min, Jamaica, 2009.

a personal road movie in Jamaica made in 2009. I went to Jamaica to scatter my partner's ashes into the universe. I was there, trying to see the world with a beginner's eyes. On the way I met with Life itself, and with many people on the road; a rastafari healer living in the woods explained me how they celebrate Death in Jamaica with a 9 days party, I've been in tropical forests and on the beach, was taken to a wild dance hall street party, met cafe growers in the Blue mountains and was amazed by an immense Nature diversity. A film about grief and beauty. Deeply human.

TIMELESS LAND experimental documentary, 34 min, London, 2009

is a visual poem inspired by Kevin Walsh's life, my partner, who sadly passed away. The film was my way to process my grief and honor our love. The images are guided by his music when he was a ‘Full moon scientist’ (his band with Steve Rowlands - with albums at Hard Hands and Botchit & Scarper), music that expresses Kevin’s cosmology and wonders through Time and Imagination. Part of the underground music scene of the 90's in London, Kevin was also a punk-rocker, a poet and a Dj.

DETOUR / DESVIO, experimental fiction-documentary, 50 min, Portugal, 1997.

AWARD NEW YOUNG CREATORS Clube Artes e Ideias, 1998 Portugal / Italy (Rome)
AWARD BEST FILM VIDEOLISBOA Video Lisboa International Film Festival, 1999 Portugal

'Detour' is a film I like a lot. It is my second film, it was shot between 1996-97, in Portugal. It was very experimental, not only in its finished form but also in the film making methods I used. The collaboration with Pedro Hestnes, Susana, the fishermen and women (from Carrasqueira) and my small crew was a memorable experience. I did the camera, editing and sound design as all the work was a constant work in progress, the post production followed the same experimentation of the preparation and shooting. The film happened by constant detours which I could call discoveries! I was just opened, letting things happen! 14 years later, 'Detour' was screened at Portuguese Cinemateque, Lisbon - 12th September 19:30 - as part of the Homage to actor Pedro Hestnes who sadly passed away recently. This is the text I wrote about the making of the film. More info here

SING SONGS / CANTAI CANTIGAS is a documentary (50 min) filmed in Trás-os-montes, in a remote area in the North of Portugal. I filmed it in 1999, and only edited it in 2006. I mainly filmed an old lady, she was 94, and she sang traditional songs. She lived without electricity, connected with the Land and the Fire. We spent many days with her, spending time with her, listening to her. Read more here


TRAVELOGUE filmed in Portugal, Spain, Morocco - Super-8, Color/B&W, 13 min, 2007-08

Travelogue is a road movie, a documentary in dub. Made in super-8, it crosses Portugal and Spain by car to arrive to Morocco. Made with Brazilian director of photography Pedro Urano, it is an impressionistic journey through time and space, landscapes and people we found on our way while traveling by car. With sound design by The time travelers (Claudia Tomaz and Kevin Walsh) using unreleased music by The Full Moon Scientist, and Wlad Ighetto, a hip hop band we met in Fes. It was shot in Super-8 without sound using some negative I had for about 10 years (left overs from my film Detour). The sound-design and music was essential to create a strong emotional atmosphere.

director, producer, editor | Cláudia Tomaz. camera, producer | Pedro Urano. sound design | Claudia Tomaz and Kevin Walsh. music | Full Moon Scientist, Wlad Ighetto, Hooligan Night

INSIDE MY HEART experimental documentary, 10 min, video and AV, London, 2012
When I had my heart fixed I asked the doctor for the images of inside my heart and made a 10 min experimental video with it. The first part of the it sort of represents how it was to live with tachycardia and do an operation to fix it. I used mixed techniques - video, photography, x-ray, live web-cam. FCP, After Effects, Millumin. The second part of the video is a poetic approach of the after-op recovery period. It took a few months of stillness to feel well again. I filmed a lot the tree outside my window, seeing the seasons passing by. Then the metamorphosis happened.

3 WOMEN and 'BOMBS OR DYING FOR A WEEK was a collaboration with Susana Vidal and B Negativo Teatro, between London and Lisbon. I created a series of videos that were then projected during the theater piece over in 3 different performances - the shows were in 2011, Lisbon, at Cinema São Jorge and at Festival Temp d'Images. Live performance, experimental theater by Susana Vidal with videos recorded through skype (actors were in Lisbon) and made at home (in London). A piece inspired by a tumor, the edge, the inner scream. With women about to explode! Read more here

FLORE 10min, London

Flore is an inspired & passionate producer & dj from Lyon, who combines the genres of twisted electro, hip hop & ethno grooves over tight dancefloor killer beats. This video is part of the web series London Ground, which features creative encounters between filmmaker Claudia Tomaz and independent artists in London. Claudia and Flore first worked together on the music video 'Feel me' and later they filmed this interview and gig at Flore's first album «RAW» launch party, released on the respected label Botchit&Scarper.

HOMELESS is a video improv I made with / for / of Lúcia Sigalho's theater installation 'Teatro Nacional, in Lisbon in 2007. The piece happened in a car park in central Lisbon, where a building of artists studios was demolished to give way to gentrification. For the time being it was being used as a car park instead of give home to artists and to create Art. The actors are homeless people. This was a durational protest piece of about 5 hours each day. Lúcia asked me to come in, spend some time with my camera and create a video


website design, photos, videos by Claudia Tomaz. 2006-2022

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