4 sessions
With healer, filmmaker & writer
Claudia Tomaz
New 7-Week COURSE
Explore the depths of your own soul through an expansive inspiring guided journey through intuition, wisdom, nature, creativity and healing.
Brief overview
In this course receive 7 weekly sessions with audio recordings, crafted videos, teachings, experiential exercises, creative practices and more. The course includes a group healing and a private group to connect with fellow travellers and receive support from Claudia.
This is the first course from The Wisdom Tree school a trauma-informed alternative school for mysfits and the ones who have the courage to choose freedom and authenticity. The aim of the school is to work with individuals and small groups, on personal and collective healing, renewal and inner growth, in harmony with Nature, for the care of the Earth, humans and all beings, with focus on self-awareness, contemplative practices, deep ecology, and art therapy.
For a description of the program for each week, what you'll receive and to sign up for this journey, read more below and follow the Road Map.
'Slowing downwards creates opportunities to dwell more deeply in one's life, for the home we are looking for in this world is within us all along. The lost home that we are seeking is in ourselves, it is the story we carry within our soul'
- Michael Meade
Listening to soul
In this course we will not be live on Zoom. Claudia will record the teachings, exercises, guided practices and invitations, as short Audio recordings in reverence to the art of listening, breathing and being. Imagine that we gather around the fire to listen to stories and soul, while creating space within, perhaps sitting under a tree, away from screens, discovering practices to explore your inner guidance and listen to the wisdom of your soul.
Sharing from the heart
There are many practices in which we share and listen from the heart. This has a different quality to just listen with your ears or with your mind. To share and listen in this deep compassionate way, the course's program includes exclusive excerpts of Claudia's film, The Soul Journey, which was made over many years using meditation methods.
Claudia will also read for you from her books, Travelling like clouds and The depths of stillness, to share bits of story, wisdom and heart, to hopefully inspire you on your journey. This will be a generous, intimate and unique way to witness another human being and connect with yourself.
But the aim is not to show you how to do this, the beauty is that each soul and journey is absolutely unique. However there seems to be a hidden process, a map if you will, that might be very useful to be aware of. This is often a very long process that can take years or a life time, but there are many ways to cultivate soul in your daily life, right where you are, as well as many ways to practice slow travelling. To slow down and rest in your authentic self will be encouraged. The point of the course really, is to open you to ways to listen to your own soul and heal it, to find your own unique voice, threads and path.
After a soul journey of 7 years, Claudia shares, in this course, the gifts and challenges she found on her journey. When she started her wander into the unknown she had no idea where it would lead her. Through the journey she became an Earth guardian and a healer, precious gifts of the soul. As a student of Life and Nature, Claudia researched all she could about the mysteries of the soul and found many approaches for this journey of initiation into the depths. Following synchronicities, while going into the uncomfortable places and dark forests of the soul, she found many guides on the land, and other wise humans. In this course Claudia brings the essence of her direct experiences and her learnings to guide you into a journey through your own soul and mystery.
Watch the trailer of The soul journey
A few practical things
Limit of 16 participants (minimum of 8) to allow time and space to go deep
Sessions are pre-recorded, but please commit to listening, do the practices and participate in the private group page weekly, over the 7-weeks that we gather together so we can build up group coherence and a supportive energy field
The course will remain available for 6 months to allow you to complete, listen again and go deeper
This course is in preparation. Follow the links below to learn more. If interested in joining this journey or can help organize a group please email us
Learn more about
the journey, check out the Program of the 7 sessions
Read more about
the Soul Journey
To register your interest
or help us organize